Looking after and cleaning your pool enclosure: the guide
A pool enclosure must be looked after on a regular basis, just like a pool itself. The glazing, structure and mechanisms must be cleaned several times a year. Here's all the key info you need to clean and look after your pool enclosure well.
Why should you clean your pool enclosure?
Cleaning the glazing on your pool enclosure regularly definitely makes your garden more attractive, increases the safety-aspect and means you'll enjoy your pool more when you're in it. You should look after the entire structure, sides and roof of your pool enclosure with great care to extends its service life, irrespective of the type of enclosure you choose. Even if you go for a first-class enclosure that's highly-resistant and premium-quality, it will still subjected to bad weather, which can damage it.
When should you clean your pool enclosure?
You should clean the structure and sides of your pool enclosure at least once or twice a year. You should clean your pool enclosure fully when opening your pool after winter. Afterwards, you can clean your enclosure again around mid-season, in the morning-time, before you use your pool, when outdoor temperatures aren't too high. And, lastly, you'll need to clean your pool enclosure again before wintering.
Which products should you use to clean your pool enclosure?
Irrespective of whether your pool enclosure's made of wood or PVC, or its structure's in aluminium with polycarbonate glazing, you don't need to call on the services of a cleaning company. Just use soap, water and a sponge, like you would when cleaning a veranda. Refrain from using detergent cleaning products like bleach. The trick is "to use a simple, eco-friendly product like soft soap that's highly-effective on stains". Use a non-abrasive sponge to protect the UV filters on the glazing and sides of your enclosure.

How should you clean the different surfaces of your pool enclosure?
Pool enclosure structure
You should clean your structure by starting at the top (the roof) and working your way to the bottom. You can use an extendible brush with a soapy cloth to clean all the top part of your structure. Then rinse well with a hose or power jet. The top of the roof, which is more exposed to bad weather, should be cleaned with care.
Pool enclosure glazing and sides
Irrespective of whether the glazing is made with laminated glass or plexiglas panels, or polycarbonate honeycomb sheet, the cleaning method is the same. Apply some soapy water to your glazing, starting at the top and working towards the bottom, then rinse well with a low-pressure water jet.
Pool enclosure guide-rails
It's vital to clean the guide-rails and runners of your pool enclosure to make sure your sliding modules continue to slide well and for your retractable pool enclosure with guide-rails to open and close properly. For the guide-rail, you just need to use water with a brush or broom to remove dirt such as dead leaves. If the sliding enclosure's mechanism gets stuck, you should add water-based grease once you've finished cleaning.
Pool enclosure seals
You can clean the seals of an in-ground pool enclosure with water alone, no need for soap. While you're cleaning, you can also check your seals are in good condition and change them if they're damaged.
Pool enclosure cleaning requirements may depend on your region
You'll need to clean your pool more often if you live in a region that suffers a lot of bad weather, pollution or a lot of snow in winter. If your home is close to the sea or ocean, it's advisable to clean the sides of your enclosure after every storm, to limit sea-salt deposits.