Skills sharing between Northern France and Southern France installers
For a week, Fabian, an installer from the Beauvais site, accompanied a duo of installers from the L'Isle Jourdain site, Christophe and Boris. These moments of sharing is the start of a series designed to promote an exchange of skills between all the teams and feedback.
Our employees give us some feedback
Their work week's split between installing pool enclosures at customers' homes and sites, and driving, all part and parcel of a driver-installer's job. They head back delighted with their experience
"This experience is really enriching as it lets me see how my colleagues organize their work. We do the same job and achieve the same results, but everyone does it in their own way. We shared our little tips and tricks for managing the workspace, optimizing our toing and froing to the truck, and techniques for retractable enclosures above all. When I got back to our site, I was able to share the advice I'd been given with my Beauvais colleagues. And, to enhance this exchange even more, I'd love it if the L'Isle Jourdain teams could come along and discover our site. On a human level, we can all gain by getting to know each other better".
For Christophe, who has five years of experience, this adventure revealed his desire to share and pass on knowledge. "I'm a trainer at heart, I loved sharing my knowledge with Fabian, discussing details that help you improve your technical skills and quality. I showed him how I organize my project site in a strategic way and I went through all the steps of assembling an ultra-low enclosure in detail. Installing the enclosures was also a means for discussing and I was also able to learn some of his tips and tricks. This experience enables us to optimize setting enclosures up by showing us another way of installing them. I'd be delighted to have an opportunity to do this experience again".