Prior declaration of works or building permit for my pool enclosure
You want to install a pool enclosure to secure and protect your swimming pool. It is a fine project that will enable you to make the most of your pool. Before commencing the installation of your new pool enclosure, you may nevertheless have to complete certain administrative formalities, such as the prior declaration of works or apply for a building permit. To help you understand this more clearly, here is a case-by-case presentation of all the formalities to complete for the installation of a pool enclosure.
Administrative procedures for the construction of a pool enclosure for an existing pool
An enclosure under 1 m 80: no authorisation required
If you want to install a low-profile or mid-height pool enclosure over an existing pool, no declaration is required, regardless of the surface area of your pool. You can therefore begin the installation of your pool enclosure without completing the administrative formalities with the urban planning authority.

Declaration of works: full-height enclosures over 1 m 80
Installing a pool enclosure that reaches over 1 m 80 above an existing pool requires specific authorisation, regardless of the building coverage of the pool or enclosure. It is then necessary to request a prior declaration of works from the town hall of your municipality. To do so, you must fill in Cerfa form No. 13703*07 and file it with the urban planning department. It may be necessary to add a file of additional documents, such as the plans of your new pool enclosure. The town hall has one month to reply. If you do not receive a reply within this period of time, there is tacit agreement. Once you have obtained approval, you must display the prior declaration of works on your site during the entire duration of works. In case of a refusal, you may file a claim with the town hall by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. Good to know: the construction of a pool enclosure can lead to an increase in local taxes because this may have an impact on the rental value of your home. It is therefore recommended that you ask the public authorities for further information at the beginning of your project.
Thesimultaneous construction of a pool and a pool enclosure of the same size
No formalities required for pools up to 10 m²
If you simultaneously build a pool with a floor area less than or equal to 10 m² and a pool enclosure of the same size, you do not need specific authorisation. You can therefore begin works without consulting the town planning department of your local town hall.
Authorisations for a pool between 10 and 100 m² and a low-profile or mid-height enclosure
It is essential to file a request for a prior declaration of works for the simultaneous construction of a pool with a building coverage between 10 and 100 m² and a pool enclosure under 1 m 80 in height.
Pool between 10 and 100 m² and a full-height enclosure: building permit obligatory
The project for the simultaneous construction of a pool with a surface area between 10 and 100 m² and an enclosure of more than 1 m 80 over the pool is subject to a building permit. You must then fill in Cerfa form No. 13406*07 and file it with the town hall of your municipality along with various supporting documents, such as the site plan, land-use plan, layout drawing or photographs. The time period for examination is 2 months. The building permit is valid for 3 years, and this authorisation must be displayed on the site near the construction works. In case of refusal, it is possible to request the town hall to revise its position via a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. If there is no reply from the town hall after the period for examination, the applicant can consider that the building permit has been granted.
Administrative procedures and formalities for a swimming pool over 100 m²
Regardless of the height of the pool enclosure, a building permit is also necessary if the planned pool has a floor area over 100 m². It will then be necessary to compile a full building permit dossier and submit it to the town planning department in the town hall of your municipality.
Town planning code (Code de l’urbanisme): the specific local rules that may apply to pool enclosures
Town planning rules vary according to the region. For example, a building permit or authorisation from Bâtiments de France may be necessary to install a pool enclosure of any size if your land is located within a protected area, i.e. near a heritage site, historical monument, preservation area or a listed site. Specific rules are also enforced in urban areas for these works, notably concerning the exterior aspect. To find out more about the town planning rules concerning your property, you can consult the town planning regulations (PLU - Plan Local d’Urbanisme) for your municipality on line or directly from the town planning department of your town hall. Manufacturers of pool enclosures usually take charge of the administrative procedures related to administrative authorisations, such as the prior declaration of works or building permits, and may assist you throughout the development of your project.